Wordle 379: What is the word for July 3? Check these hints and clues to get answer for today's Wordle

The Wordle today is a noun. The Wordle answer today has two vowels. The word starts and ends with a consonant. The word is a a Eurasian shrub or small tree of the olive family, which has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossom and is a popular garden ornamental.

Wordle game

Photo : Times Now Digital
Wordle has gained popularity in the recent times. It has become a routine for millions of people around the world. Wordle is a web-based game. It is very simple to play. If you want clues and the answer for the Wordle today (Wordle 379 for July 03), you have landed at the right place.
The game was created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle. The New York Times Company now owns the game. It is a straightforward game. Every day a new word is assigned and players need to guess this word in six attempts. The word game can be played on mobile browsers, laptops, and desktops.
What is the Wordle answer 379 for July 03?
The Wordle today is a noun. The Wordle answer today has two vowels. The word starts and ends with a consonant. The word is a a Eurasian shrub or small tree of the olive family, which has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossom and is a popular garden ornamental. Hints for getting solution of today's wordle are - cycle, drink, knell and ankle.
Wordle for July 03 is "LILAC"
Wordle for July 02 was "EGRET"
The game has a 5X6 grid. Players are required to guess the word by entering characters in a maze box. Alphabets entered by players for each attempt are highlighted in different colours. If any box turns green, it means the letter is a part of the word of the day and is in the right place. If the box turns yellow, it implies the letter is part of the Wordle but not in the correct place in the Wordle. The box will turn grey if a letter is not a part of the word.
How to play Wordle:
Go to nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html
You have six tries to guess the Wordle word of the day.
Type in five-letter words and submit them by hitting the 'Enter' key on the Wordle keyboard.
The colour of the tiles will change once you submit them. A green tile indicates you placed the correct letter in the right spot. A yellow tile means you picked the right letter but placed it in the wrong position.
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