Optical illusion: Can you tell what's wrong with this image of a giraffe?

If you’ve watched male giraffes fighting it out, their astonishing neck manoeuvres need no introduction. Yet, it looks improbable that this large animal on hooves would be at so much ease with its neck bent 180 degrees. So, what's wrong with this picture? Is it Photoshopped or is an optical illusion?
Optical illusion of giraffe peeking from trees

Optical illusion of giraffe peeking from trees

Photo : Twitter
  • Giraffes epitomise camouflage and, by virtue of that, optical illusions.
  • One of these large ruminants appears to be reach its head through foliage to look at you.
The most head-turning thing about an optical illusion is that it could pre-exist and outlive humans. Anywhere you look in nature, a convincing illusion can stump you - and giraffes are one of the most remarkable examples of this deception.
If an observer were to come face to face with one in the African savannah but stood some distance away, chances are, they might not even spot the giraffe, thanks to evolution.
They have unusually long necks to steal food off of the highest of branches but that also makes these colossal ruminants very vulnerable to predators - yes they have some. But that’s where camouflage comes in, right?
The previous viral optical illusion test involved a challenge where puzzlers had to spot a giraffe in under 6 seconds.
As for today’s brain teaser, all you have to do is tell what’s wrong with this picture.
Now, we know that giraffes’ necks alone could measure up to 6 feet in length and are far too flexible for humans to even begin to comprehend what they are made of. However, this peculiar image appears to show a foraging giraffe, with its back to the camera, somehow looking right into it as if to say “What’s up, buddy?”.
If you’ve watched male giraffes fighting it out, their astonishing neck manoeuvres need no introduction. Yet, it looks improbable that this large animal on hooves would be so at ease with its neck bent 180 degrees.
Can you tell what’s wrong with this image?
Spoiler alert: Answer below
There may be nothing wrong with picture, but if you thought there is, maybe it should help to know that it's an optical illusion. There are actually two different giraffes.
How do we know there are 2 giraffes?
Well, if you look closely, the giraffe on the left is clearly facing down. Start tracing the nape down to the head and you’ll notice it is inclined towards the ground and not wound around the trees.
That only leaves one explanation.
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